Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Communication Breakdown

I know that I said I wouldn't moan but I feel justified in doing so.

On Monday I started work at 0340. For those of you who know these things and for those that don't it means that I need to be finished and signed out at 1840. In the event I signed out at 1845.

The consequence of this late finish meant that I was unable to start my route on Tuesday at it's normal time of 0345 unless I reduced my break to 9 hours from 11.

The conversation went along the lines of

Assistant Shift Manager - Why can't you reduce your break to 9 hours.
Me - Because I'm cold, wet and tired. You give me some help tomorrow and I'll do it! If not you'll have to change the start time to 0545.
ASM - They're not going to want a route running 2 hours late.
Me - Sorry. I'll compromise though. You leave the start time at 0545 and IF I wake up in time and IF I feel OK then I'll reduce the break and come in.

I then went home and to bed. I woke up at 0330 and feeling OKish decided to head in for 0440. Only an hour late for the route. Not too big a problem.

ASM - Don't forget to sign for your collection.
ME - What collection... this isn't on my route... This isn't my route... What's going on.
ASM -Oh we changed your route... You're not due in till 0555.
Me - Thanks for the phone call and the lost hour of much needed sleep. Tell me... What was the conversation that we had last night before I left?

Yet another 15 hour day followed.

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