Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Two 15 hour days

Wednesday morning,

It was as bad as I thought it would be. Arrived at work on Monday only to find my route had been changed and I wasn't due to start until 0415. Twelve and a half hours board time and sure enough with the crap loading that has become the norm at out place it turned into fifteen, right on my legal maximum.

Drops were split and spread over two pallets, then on top of another one they forklifted another pallet.

The routing was as accurate as ever. It's amazing that I can arrive half an hour early to one drop, run 30 to 45 minutes early and all of a sudden I'm running behind for the last 2 deliveries and late for the last one.
Back into the yard for 6.10 pm. Just in time for dekit, refuel and leave by 18.30 after finding that my regular Tuesday run has been cancelled - permanently. Tomorrow I start in Colliers Wood. Hey it can only get better... Yeah right. I've worked here for too long to feel anything but pessimistic these days.
Tuesday. 0340 arrive, get paperwork and start checking the wagon... For an older vehicle it's not in bad nick, there's a few minor gripes but nothing that's going to affect the run. Open the back doors to check the load and that's when it all starts going horribly Pete Tong.
1) No Pallet truck, 2) All the chicken (drops 1, 3 and 9) is on one pallet and there's only one dolly for all 24 trays. I might be reasonably strong but even that one's taking the piss. Back to the bay and complain to the shift management. I finally leave 50 minutes late and get to Colliers Wood only 5 minutes late.
Colliers Wood to Thornton Heath, back to Tooting, round the corner to Mitcham, up to Wimbledon and then the route planners come into their own. A (not so) lovely drive to Feltham and Hounslow. Nearly two hours late into Hounslow and that meant really tight on time to get back to the yard. Also thanks to our wonderful and highly efficient loaders who can't be bothered to get things done properly so delaying us on the road.
I was so tired that I completely lost track of time. I was 30 minutes outside my duty time when I got back to the yard. I should have stopped at Oxford but the auto-pilot was on with a finish at home and I cruised up the M40 not really realising where I was until I pulled off the motorway.
2 days off now and back to work on Friday. I can hardly wait.

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